A recent report that scored all 50 states and DC on 26 oral health metrics ranked Massachusetts in 9th place. This metrics measured in this report ranged from percentage of adults who visited the dentist in the past year (MA ranked 4th) or the number of dentists per capita (MA ranked 3rd). Additionally, it accounted for things like least amount of sugary beverage per capita (MA ranked 4th) and percentage of people who receive fluoridated water.
While dentist offices such as Auburn Dental Group help bring Massachusetts’ numbers up in terms of dentists per capita and our patients’ dedication to going to the dentist brings up Massachusetts’ score as well, fluoridation leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately Auburn and Worcester do not fluoridate their water according to the CDC. This is a large disappointment to us as dentists, especially considering that Worcester is the second largest city in Massachusetts.
If the lack of fluoride in Worcester’s water concerns you, make sure to talk to your dentist about what steps you can take to protect your teeth.
What makes the situation worse is that there is already a famous example of what happens when the water stops being fluoridated and nothing has been learned from it. Juneau, Alaska stopped fluoridating their water in 2007 and subsequently cavities fillings in children rose from 1.5 procedures a year to 2.5 procedures per year. Partially as a result of this, this report ranks Alaska as 7th worst in terms of oral health.
Fluoridation aside, we’re proud of your oral health, Worcester. Keep up the good work not drinking sugary beverages and visiting the dentist often, Worcester!